Latest Projects
The Lower Hutt Christmas show is a major event on our calendar where we provide Mobile Stage, Audio and Lighting.
The stage at the 2015 One Love Festival at Tauranga's Domain was provided by Audio Progress
The Pink Floyd tribute band eclipse had a vision of presenting a show at Stonehenge located in the Wairarapa.
Audio progress was pleased to be involved in this Hospice fundraiser event. “Decades of Fashion” was a fashion show that presented how fashions had changed over the years.
More Projects
At New Years Eve for many years we have been pleased to provide our Mobile Stage for the Mount Maunganui's New Years Eve event.
The Lower Hutt Christmas show is a major event on our calendar where we provide Mobile Stage, Audio and Lighting.
For many years now we have been providing our Mobile stage for the Porirua Christmas in the Park
The stage at the 2015 One Love Festival at Tauranga's Domain was provided by Audio Progress
Palmerston North was where Relay for Life all started. Audio Progress is proud to have been part of this event right from the start and it remains an important event on our calendar.
The Smokefree rockquest has become an annual NZ icon that creates a platform for young musicians to perform and compete.
The Pink Floyd tribute band eclipse had a vision of presenting a show at Stonehenge located in the Wairarapa.
Audio progress was pleased to be involved in this Hospice fundraiser event. “Decades of Fashion” was a fashion show that presented how fashions had changed over the years.
At New Years Eve for many years we have been pleased to provide our Mobile Stage for the Mount Maunganui's New Years Eve event.